Wednesday 2 January 2013

From Vitoria Gastiez

Arrived in Vitoria Gastiez to be greeted by waves and hellos from an Israeli couple, Drora & Yuval, who live in France, and a Swedish couple, Helen & Lasse, travelling with them.  Drora & Yuval are a mine of information having been to Portugal for the last 12 years so we decided to tag along with them the next day to Palencia for another overnight stop.  There we saw our first storks of the journey.               

and also this guy taking it easy on the riverbank. 

He was feeling a bit 'flat' that day.
It started to rain and Yuval took pity on this guy who was stuck out in the wet reading his declaration.

 On our walk D decided to chase the ducks, only to find that he cannot walk on water as they appear to do.  Unfortunately I was laughing too much at his attempts to get out of the lake that we forgot to take any photos.  Don't think he will chase the ducks again in a hurry.
We also saw our next campervan!

How’s this for a mobile home guaranteed to go anywhere.
The next day we said goodbye to our new found friends as they were travelling to Portugal where we said we would catch up with them, and we decided to visit Ourense and to top up our gas.

Nov 26th
Headed from Palencia towards Ourense, the centre of the Spanish Inquisition, detouring on the way to fill up our gas tank as there are not many service stations in Spain selling auto-gas. Found the service station at last to be confronted with the most ill tempered Basque Pump Attendant you could wish to find.  The situation wasn't helped by the fact he spoke no English and our Spanish doesn't go much past 'please & thank you'.  After screwing together about 4 different adapters he managed to fill our tank but couldn't manage to process the credit card properly!
Eventually arrived at our overnight stop at Chantada about 4pm.  The book of Aires description lists it as idyllic with space for 3 camper vans, overlooking a small river, paved footpath to town with water on tap and from a spring and also waste disposal point.  What more could wandering Pikeys require for a little bit of peace?

Just that, peace! It may be true out of the football season but as it is positioned next to an astro turf football stadium and there was training every night from 6pm till 11pm the amount of cars coming, parking and going made for a little noise!

Bob took the car off the trailer so we could go into Ourense the following day and unhitched the trailer.  In doing this he managed to drop the front of the trailer onto his right foot 'ouch'.  Didn't look too bad when we managed to get his shoe and sock off, a little blood and bruising but he was still walking. 

The next morning it didn't look so good, so after driving into town to go shopping and a short drive around the area, he spent the rest of the day 'Dying' on the bed.

Next day toe was looking awful so went into Ourense to check out the Spanish hospitals again (had a visit last year near Barcelona). 

Marble from floor to ceiling and this was just the waiting room.  Nearly 3 hours later after x-rays the doctor pronounces that the big toe is broken!  Need to stay in the area as it has to be dressed every 2 days for a week and then a further visit to hospital, so much for heading for the sun.
D did manage to find himself a girlfriend, a little young, only 5 months old but big enough to keep him in his place.  

They breed them big in this part of the world!  Came across this one while driving in the sticks,
He was on guard outside this quaint old church and graveyard


It is  colder and frosty at night but need to find medical centre in Chantada to have the dressing changed.  Nurse spreads her hair all over the wound, seems oblivious to the infection danger, dressing changed, told must return on Sunday!  Oh well the sun will still be there. 
Wake up to white frost, outside temperature reads -4 degrees, tap is frozen, thank heavens we filled water tank yesterday.  Arrived at medical centre about 10am where they are burning incense cones!  Have toe redressed and decide to ignore instructions to go to hospital for check up on Wednesday, we ignored this and headed south, the sun is calling.

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